Reasons to enroll in a self-defense class for women

Men are already accustomed to the fact that the modern lady is self-sufficient, earns well, drives a car and successfully manages people, while she manages to remain gentle, kind and attractive. That is, to be strong, demonstrating a natural weakness.

What gives women’s self-defense, in addition to mastering practical techniques, and do residents of Kiev need such courses?

Self-defense skills are a must for most women in the West, so the statistics of attacks on women, for example, in the EU are not as frightening as in Ukraine.

Self-defense lessons for women, held in a modern sports club on the shell, are an opportunity in the future to protect not only themselves but also their loved ones, children, showing them a good example to follow.

We will add that the section chosen by you is a great option of useful pastime when it is necessary:

Tighten your physical shape;
To study a number of psychological complexes;
Make good friends.

Intrigued by the proposal? We invite you to join a group of like-minded people. Being strong and brave, regardless of age and build – is fashionable!